
Showing posts from May, 2021

Amanda Arman

Wow, of course I didn’t commit to my goal of posting once a week! In the chaos that has been educating during a pandemic, I haven’t been good about making the time to recognize and honor my fellow educators but I am doing it when I can. My next feature, Amanda Arman, came into my life in the most serendipitous of ways. My first year in the classroom, I received an e-mail from one of Falls Church High School’s feeder elementary schools, Fairhill, with a once-in-a-lifetime request. Amanda had a student, Calvin, whose abilities in math were not being served by the advanced academics curriculum and she was looking for someone who could meet him to better understand his needs. I jumped at the offer out of curiosity and out of a desire to better know my community but didn’t know what to expect! Well, within five minutes, 10 year old Calvin was leafing through my abstract algebra textbook from college and discussing incorrect assumptions for a proof of abelian groups and I knew that Calvin ...